The Big Five Personality Traits Explained

The big five personality traits explained. People are always curious about, well, other people. We read horoscopes, take quizzes, and some of us even sign up for surveys with titles like, “What superhero character are you?” The truth is that most of us want to understand ourselves, and others, better. Psychology is a great way to do that, but it’s hard to narrow down exactly who someone is unless you have clear guidelines. This is where we turn to scientific models. One model, developed in the ’80s under an area of study called psychological trait theory, broke down personality into five neat little aspects. By combining where you fall in each aspect, you can have a better understanding of who you are as a person. Let’s take a look at this model, called the Five-Factor Model, to figure out how people are. Watch: How to Make Friends After College (10 Ways) ► How Introverts Make Friends (10 Interesting Ways) ►
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