How To Turn Awkwardness Into Attraction

Join Over 9000 Members At Charisma University: Subscribe to Charisma On Command’s YouTube Account: Timothée Chalamet has two traits you don’t often see go hand in hand. He’s self admittedly very awkward, and yet women find him incredibly attractive. This is interesting because Timothée is not your stereotypical jock alpha male, in either looks or personality. He’s shy and at times seems uncomfortable when speaking: looking down, fidgeting, or putting his hands in his pockets. How can someone who’s self admittedly awkward be so attractive? While he’s definitely handsome, much of Timothée’s attractiveness comes through in his personality. Part of what makes Timothée so magnetic is how well he handles potentially awkward moments. So in this video, we’ll go over 7 tricks you can learn from Timothée to turn your awkward moments into moments where you’re actually making yourself more attractive. 5 Common Habits That Make People Instantly Dislike You
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