Batman Arkham Asylum | RPCS3 | 4K ( 600% Res Scale ) Unlock 60FPS PS3 PC Gameplay

i9 11900K@ RTX 3080 ( OC ) 2160P ( 6 X IR ) 60FPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This game has a few graphics problems,such as the wrong colors of the objects in the exploration mode, or lack of proper textures. The strangest thing is that the ground will have the effect of stagnant water for no reason???!!!,,,,,,,,,,,, RPCS3 Alpha PPU Decoder: Recompiler (LLVM) SPU Decoder: Recompiler (LLVM) Accurate RSX reservation access: False SPU Block Size: Safe SPU Cache: true Enable Audio Buffering: true SPU loop detection: false Multithreaded RSX: false Renderer: Vulkan MSAA: true VSync: false Accurate ZCULL stats: true Driver Wake-Up Delay: 0 Resolution Scale: 600 VBlank Rate :120 Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY [BLUS30515] ===================================================================================================================================================
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