Legendary test question - π is less than 22/7

Happy #PiDay! When two of the hardest tests in the world cover the same problem, you know it’s a big deal. References Wikipedia article π Putnam exam 1968 A1 JEE Advanced 2010 Paper Solutions Part-1 | IIT-JEE | Strategy, Tips, & Tricks | Paper Discussion (see around 55:30) Proving 22/7 is greater than PI using Definite Integrals. Why is pi less than 22/7? - Week 14 - Lecture 9 - Mooculus 2010 IIT-JEE Advanced paper 1 question 41 direct link Subscribe: Send me suggestions by email (address in video). I cannot reply to everyone but I consider all ideas! Like many YouTubers I use popular software to prepare my vi
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