The Call Of Humanity (1916-1918)

Titles read: ’New York. The Call of Humanity - The American Red Cross launches 100,000,000 dollars campaign.’ United States of America. World War One. DS from high up: parade going down street in New York City; Red Cross banner over street. Closer shot of nurses parading; walking toward camera. Next; a row of bigwigs walk together; including President Woodrow Wilson in the middle. More nurses march in formation of a cross. Special effect! The film is seen through the shape of a cross; another view of parade; with big French flag in FG on side of street. Pan to right as nurses march down street; crowd in FG. Full screen again: masses of people nearly fill the screen; both spectators and marching soldiers. CU marines marching. DS soldiers approach; then turn right; USA flag carried. Title: ’We Are Hurrying’; with flag waving in BG. Next looking down long row of soldiers in a field; with tents at their sides and equipment spread before them. They suddenly begin to dismantle tents; pack suppl
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