2023/08 - Dynacord DRP-15 Demo with realtime Midi CC remoting
High Quality Audio Demo of the lovely Dynacord DRP-15 ’High Quality Reverb Processor’ from the last century (1992). Reverb, Delay, Modulation and the ’Instrument’ combination are altered in realtime with a CC midicontroller. The DRP-15 allows midi remoting of four parameters - which mostly works quite well. Short Delay or Reverb times with high feedbacks allow Karplus Strong like mutations with funny stringy artifacts on realtime changes (6:57, 9:30). Some features like Pitch Shifter or Gated Reverb are not covered. The DRP-15 is used as Stereo AUX effect with ORIGINAL LEVEL OFF, it’s 100% wet Stereo output sent to a separate Mixer channel pair.
0:12 ’HQ Modulation’ with it’s different types
2:17 ’Instrument’ combination
3:13 ’Delay’ with it’s different types
5:44 ’HQ Reverb’ with it’s different types
10:31 Quick comparison of DRP-15 against Roland DEP-5
#Dynacord #DRP15 #Midicontroller #Vintage #Synthesizer