Duke Of Edinburgh Arrives In Malta (1955)

Unissued / unused material. Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) arrives in Malta. Royal Yacht “Britannia“ approaching Grand Harbour. Passing breakwater and entering Grand Harbour. “Britannia“ with escort of ICAs (tugs?), Fort St. Elmo in background. Royal Yacht proceeds up Grand Harbour. Valetta in background. “Britannia“ at anchor with Royal Navy fleet units in background. Fort St. Angelo in background. Duke of Edinburgh leaving Customs House. Duke of Edinburgh meeting senior Navel officers on roof of Allied Forces Mediterranean HQ, Floriana. Duke of Edinburgh at Colours ceremony o...n roof of HAFMED. Inspecting and talking to various Allied Forces officers. “Britannia“ entering Grand Harbour, Malta. “Britannia“ passing Fort St. Angelo with Barracca Gardens and Valetta in background. Ships of the Combined Fleet: HMS “Jamaica“, HMS “Glasgow“, HMS “Tyne“ and Daring class ships entering Grand Harbour. Date on dope sheet is 17/03/1955. HAFMED = Headquarters Allied Forces Mediterrane
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