Деньги не нужны! Суть проста. (We don’t need money! The TRUTH is simple.)

Friday doesn’t have problem with seeing and doing simple things. So, we must not have false vision of simple things. We don’t need intermediaries who do nothing, but they have everything and everyone. And we live in such false paradox. It can not exist, it must not exist, but it exists. So, that is why it’s a false paradox, speaking about so-called “need of money“. Because a real paradox - it must be something more reasonable (in the meaning of “admissible“), maybe even miraculous, at the first glance, but it must be real, because real paradox couldn’t be explained, while false paradox could be explained, and it could be explained really very simply. As a false paradox about commodity-money relations, as though it’s the only right way of correct development and prosperity of the economy, for example. У Пятницы нет проблемы с видением и деланием простых вещей. И у нас не должно быть лже-видения простых вещей. Нам не нужны посредники, которые НИЧЕГО
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