Neurotech - The Seraphic Symphony

Name-Your-Price: Patreon: Streaming: Written / Recorded / Mixed / Mastered by Wulf Cover & Video by N▲I T The journey ends at the beginning. New album ’Symphonies II’ is coming your way on March 4. Tracklist: The Prophetic Symphony The Seraphic Symphony The Draconic Symphony The Messianic Symphony Special thanks to all Devoted Patrons: Archon0003, Dmitrii Roets, Michael, Alex Moukala, Chris Randall, Andy from Texas, m3f, Yevgeniy Yanchenko, Pavel Jirkovsky, Aleister Vovk, Electronics, Yves Wheeler, Jared Grove, Jose Abboud, Kevin Disser, Eriah Sylverstone, Heino Brand, Matt Summe...rville, Maciek Żak, Phill Phobos, Pero Tiitto, Tristan Todd, Deteccion Metallica, Branden Lucero, The RogueDM, Jiri Rimssy Jedlicka, Martin Konecnykon, NeuroFineon, Rick Haertle, Adrian Cibulskis, Andreas Ellenrieder, Erjoh, Rob Portman, Issa, Aleksander Olbrych, Grzechu Ra, Chris Mercer, Stefanie Raupp,
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