Take On Me - The Last of Us 2/Ellie | Hannah Boulton (acoustic)

_READ ME_ With the recent release of The Last of Us 2 video game, came a few lovely and unexpected covers. I heard this one, and immediately wanted to learn how to play and sing it! I kept this version very simple and honest - totally imperfect! I’m not a guitarist, but am grateful for a few chords in my pocket..! Warts and all... If you’d like... I want to invite you to try singing or playing this song, or a simple song of your choosing, finding a few minutes in your day just for you and your music - no big agenda, just for you. (For the broadcasters - tag me on insta etc if you love sharing! Though really this is just about you and your music, no presh) We can often think that complicated/clever/showy music is more impactful, but what about those memories of a guitar, a campfire and a familiar voice? The song your mother used to sing to help you sleep, or a favourite jingle on the radio...? Don’t get me wrong, I love bells, whistles and the rest of it - but there
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