Bamboo Weaving Basket丨传统竹编提篮丨4K UHD丨小喜XiaoXi丨用500根竹篾编了个限量款“菜篮子”

宁可食无肉,不可居无竹 竹编,沉淀了千年的中国传统技艺 竹篾经纬交织,编织出一件件精美绝伦的工艺品 中国传统文化艺术之美,来源于生活,用之于生活 来,提着我们的“菜篮子”去摘菜吧~ Bamboo weaving, a traditional Chinese technique that has been preserved for thousands of years Weave pieces of exquisite crafts from bamboo The beauty of Chinese traditional culture and art comes from life and is used in life Come, take our “vegetable basket“ to pick vegetables~ ❤️欢迎订阅我的YouTube频道❤️Subscribe!🎁 非常感谢你们的观看、点赞、评论以及分享!记得开启频道通知,方便第一时间看到我的更新!👍🌹🎉 Thanks For Watching, Like, Comment &
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