The Warm American Apple Pie

Thank you for watching my video, The Warm American Apple Pie In this video, I’ll walk you through, The best recipe for American apple pie. Apple Pie Ingredients: 2 lb apples 1 tsp cinnamon 1 butter stick 3 tbsp flour 1/4 cup water 1 cup sugar 1 egg , 1 tbsp sugar 2 pie crust Melt butter, add flour and cook for 1 min on low heat. Add sugar and water, continue to cook for 3 more minutes. Set aside Clean and peel apples, slice. Sprinkle with cinnamon, mix, add sauce. Assemble pie as shown in the video, brush with egg wash and bake 15 minutes at 425F, then switch to 350F and continue to bake 45 more minutes. Let pie cool for about 1 hour. American Pie, 1999 ABOUT MY CHANNEL📜 My channel is dedicated to the creation of recipes and the preparation of various dishes from around the world. It has short videos in which you can cook from scratch in an easy manner. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel
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