Soul Eater Trickster. Cleave, Lacerate, Perforate - Path of Exile ( Kalandra)

Another attempt at Soul Eater build. This time reworked Trickster melee using Cleave, Lacerate or Perforate. Tried some other skills but stuck to these 3. Perforate probably best for single target, Lacerate good for clear. Cleave exists, for some reason. Fast skills demonstration► Older, a bit outdated Arc soul eater occultist► Soul eater Galvanic Arrow► ►Time codes 00:00 Intro 02:53 How this works 05:16 90 sec flask duration 07:45 More details about build 08:50 Cleave, Lacerate or Perforate? 11:37 Final thoughts ►Path of Building Use latest version of LocalIdentity’s Fork PoB, it is more advanced. Ascendancy: Trickster Items: Soulthirst. Rotblood. Ceaseless Feast. Survival Instincts. ►Stream and social media Streaming daily at 11:30 am UTC 2 (
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