HUMANS vs All Carnivore Dinosaurs and Flying Reptiles | Jurassic World Evolution 2
Hello Jurassic Lovers, In this episode of Jurassic World Evolution 2, you will see all carnivore dinosaurs and flying reptiles taking down guests in the park. I hope you will like and enjoy this video. Thank you!
Dinosaurs in this Video:
00:10 Acrocanthosaurus
00:26 Albertosaurus
00:40 Allosaurus
00:51 Baryonyx
01:17 Carcharodontosaurus
01:32 Carnotaurus
01:45 Ceratosaurus
01:55 Coelophysis
02:17 Cryolophosaurus
02:37 Deinonychus
02:53 Dilophosaurus
03:12 Giganotosaurus
03:31 Herrerasaurus
03:56 Indominus Rex
04:05 Indoraptor
04:20 Majungasaurus
04:35 Megalosaurus
05:05 Metriacanthosaurus
05:41 Proceratosaurus
05:55 Qianzhousaurus
06:10 Spinosaurus
06:27 Suchomimus
06:39 Troodon
06:58 Tyrannosaurus
07:20 Velociraptor
07:40 Cearadactylus
08:20 Dimorphodon
08:48 Geosternbergia
09:02 Maaradactylus
09:21 Pteranodon
09:41 Tapejera
10:07 Tropeognathus
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