Sacred Geometry Binaural Beats & Iso Tones - Square of 2
One must understand what the term “square root“ pertains to in order to begin to understand the nature of this number’s meaning. For most of us, the term “square root“ is simply which number times itself equals the number at hand. As an example, the square root of four equals two, because two times two equals four (2 X 2 = 4). In another, more pertinent example, the square root of two equals ..., because ... multiplied by itself equals two.
Of course, this number is irrational, having no definite value because its integers continue past the decimal point for an infinite number of digits. Thus we could never actually multiply the square root of two times itself and obtain the number two -- our end product would be very, very close to two, but would not actually equal two. Irrational numbers such as this one, and others such as pi and phi (... and ..., respectively), possessed special significance for ancient sacred geometers, and this is especially true for the Greeks and their able predecessors, the Egyptians. Both believed that irrational numbers always represent archetypal principles of some sort, whereas rational, definite numbers were always related the material world.
Sacred geometry has its roots in nature and the mathematical principles at work therein. Many forms observed in nature have a direct relationship with irrational (sacred) geometry. For example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate forming a logarithmic spiral accommodating growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are evidence of the cosmic significance of geometric forms.
The square forms a connection between the physical and the spiritual. The square is found in the history of many religious and spiritual traditions. For example, the square was found in the Holy of Holies in Solomon’s Temple and it held the Ark of the Covenant. It is generally accepted that the square is the symbol of the unified universe.
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