Around 1:30 AM on October 16, 2022, Patrolwoman Jennifer Velasquez of the Deal Police Department observed a 2020 Kia driving in the wrong direction near the intersection of Norwood Avenue and Poplar Avenue. She stopped the vehicle northbound on Poplar Avenue. As she approached the vehicle, she noticed signs of impairment. Given her suspicion of impairment, Patrolwoman Velasquez subsequently radioed for another certified officer to come and administer the field sobriety exercises.
Sergeant Nicholas Vaccaro subsequently responded to administer the field sobriety exercises, which Breanna agreed to perform. Patrolman Christopher Mirrione was also at the scene to assist. Breanna admitted to Sergeant Vaccaro that she had indeed consumed a few drinks earlier that night. The first exercise was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test. During this test, Sergeant Vaccaro observed 5 out of 6 indicators. The second exercise involved the Walk and Turn test, and Breanna was unable to walk in a straight line or count her steps out loud. The third exercise involved the One Leg Stand test, and Breanna did not raise her foot in the proper fashion while dropping her foot several times.
Based on her traffic infractions, erratic driving patterns, and her inability to adequately perform most of the field sobriety exercises, Sergeant Vaccaro informed Breanna that Patrolwoman Velasquez would be placing her under arrest. After she was placed under arrest, Patrolwoman Velasquez searched her person while the other officers searched her vehicle for marijuana. At the police station, Patrolwoman Velasquez read her the Standard Statement for Motor Vehicle Operators, and Breanna refused to provide breath samples. After Breanna was processed, she was released at 3:07 AM with the following summonses: Operating under the influence, refusal to submit to chemical test, open container of alcohol, reckless driving, careless driving, and traffic on marked lanes
Court records indicate that Breanna already has been convicted of another DWI in Toms River, New Jersey from April 11, 2021.
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Our content is educational and in compliance with YouTube’s Fair Use Policy because we edit several long clips into a concise story. This is similar to other law enforcement channels on YouTube. All videos and case documents were obtained pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act, . 47:1A-1 et seq. (P.L. 2001, c. 404). Defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty.