Based on Markus Zusak’s best-selling novel, The Messenger tells the story of an accidental hero who begins recieving mysterious messages on playing cards #TheMessengerTV
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The intriguing tale based on Markus Zusak’s best-selling novel of the same name, produced by Jason Stephens and Elisa Argenzio, stars a talented young cast including William McKenna (Nowhere Boys), Alexandra Jensen (Frayed, Amazing Grace), Chris Alosio (Troppo) and Kartanya Maynard (Deadloch).
Author and Executive Producer, Markus Zusak says: “I’m so excited to see this series on the ABC, and I think it’s something we can see ourselves in - our friendships and families, our laughter and flaws, and our willingness to see each other through, especially in the hard times. It’s got a big and beautiful heart. I can’t wait for people to see it.”
The Messenger tells the story of Ed Kennedy (William McKenna), who becomes an accidental hero when he receives mysterious messages scribbled on a playing cards that set him on a strange journey. But what he does with them allows Ed to change lives, most of all, his own.
Sometimes you just have to play the cards you’re dealt.
Stream all episodes on ABC iview or ABC TV from Sunday 14 May at 8:20PM.
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