How to high V-press / MANA / Mana B 168 aerobic gymnastics

Hi everyone, here is another tutorial with drills, progressions and tips(at the end, on full YouTube video) of how to learn the high V-support or mana. . Of course you should be at the particular level to be able to push further, you can check the other videos of how to get V-support and pike press. . One thing about me you might not know: I have never done artistic gymnastics in my life. So when I want to teach someone a skill or give the training plan I push it through myself at first and most of the time it works! Glad to be able to share all of this stuff with you! . Subscribe to my YouTube channel for the whole videos, check the link in bio! Please tag someone who you think will be interested! Like and shareπŸ™ Let me know what you guys think, comment below! Check how to learn V-Support: Follow my Instagram journey: Follow my Facebook journey:
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