CGI Animated Short Film: “WASTED“ by UMAMI Animation Studios | CGMeetup

My Name is Olivia and I can control Plastic. And why, you ask? Meh! Typical Superhero stuff. A year ago, i was on a trip visiting a recycling plant. I wandered off and ended up in a restricted area where there was a shiny, and probably dangerous, WASTED: Past, Present, Plastic is a 2D short film that aims to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and the development of a sustainable lifestyle. It tells the adventures of Olivia and Doc: a teenager with powers to control plastic, and a prestigious scientist and activist, respectively. In their first mission, both must team up to confront the Gork, an alien race that intends to contaminate the Earth. UMAMI Animation Studios: hello@ Director: Carlos Linares-Rivas Rodríguez (@linareslini) Production Designer: Andrés Arcos Corretjé (@menguao) Animation & Compositing Supervisor: Jorge San Martín (@)
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