The Secret To Protection From the Difficulties of the Grave | Sufi Meditation Center
The secret to safety from punishment of the grave
Video Chapters :
00:00 Reality of the first 10 days, second 10 days and last 10 days of Ramadan
03:53 The Knowledge and Actions stop when you enter the grave, what you brought is what you’ll have
05:23 The presence of Prophet ﷺ is what extinguishes the fires of difficulty within the grave
6:32 How the shaykhs experience within the grave Prophet ﷺ saving them
08:12 Allah (AJ) wants us to know only because of Prophet ﷺ the punishment is being stopped
08:34 Why the Great Shaykhs took a path of humility and taught people to rely upon Prophet’s ﷺ love
11:05 Islam is the shining star in the darkness of the last days
13:54 The grey will vanish! Those devoid of Allah (AJ), satan is hiding there
17:17 The love of Prophet ﷺ is a light which fights to establish Allah’s (AJ) flag within you
19:17 Make your intention to follow the sunnah (traditions of Prophet ﷺ) out of love, not fear o