Masculine vs. Pretty Boy Looksmaxxing - Blackpill Analysis
After my last Video on Sex Appeal maxxing, I have been getting many differing comments on topics such as masculine vs. pretty boy, Feminine features vs. Masculine features. So I decided to make this Video. I am Max, and in this Video, I will be ending the pretty boy cope. I will be doing a detailed breakdown of male dimorphism, indicators of health, and their roles in attractiveness. I will be going over the science behind Sexual Dimorphism, why it is necessary, how important it is and how maxxing out certain features will make you more dimorphic, and so forth. So sit back and settle since there’s much to uncover in a brief time frame.
0:00 Intro
0:39 Are Vinnie Hacker & Henry Cavill Masculine with Feminine features?
0:55 What is Sexual Dimorphism?
2:43 Why do Mammals behave this way?
3:03 FACEandLMS Quote
3:30 Think of a scenario
4:06 Pros & Cons
5:57 Important Factors
7:28 How do these factors interact with each other?
8:11 Sexual Dimorphism vs Indi