This VR racing game built by Master of Shapes has you driving a real go kart through a virtual reality world. Built in partnership with Intel and Canadian real-time capture company Black Trax, the Go Kart is tracked with infrared LEDs and a motion capture system. 28 cameras are laid out around the track, keeping track of the position of the kart in real-time. For the VR system, an Oculus Rift is used with an Intel NUC. There is also an Arduino compatible board to read in steering, throttle, and brake. This gives you one to one feedback visually while in VR. So when you turn the wheel in real life, you turn in the virtual game too. To make sure that the real world track lines up with the virtual one, the team LIDAR scanned the entire track at K1 Speed in Gardena California. #OculusRift #VRGoCart #Oculus SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW WEEKLY EPISODES ►►► Youtube Subscribe ------- ► VRScout Facebook ------ ► VRScout Twitter ----------- ► VR
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