First Pro-Pain Jam In 2 Years - Live from Blackout Studio - Brussels, Belgium

Its been nearly 2 years since the members of Pro-Pain have been able to get into the same room and jam! Recently I travelled to Brussels, Belgium to Meet up with my Brothers from Pro-Pain, Jonas on Drums and Greg of Lead Guitar, to rock some tunes and brainstorm some more riff ideas for the new Pro-Pain album. It took just minutes to get back on track and in the zone! It felt so good to play some live music with my bandmates! Unfortunately we didn’t have Gary with us. That would have really sealed the deal in making this weekend top notch but we drank many... MANY Duvels in his honor! 🍺😉 So sit back and enjoy a few jams as we dust the cobwebs off the ole Playin Hands! 🤘🏼😜 ❗️Please check out what Jonas is up to here: - YouTube - - Facebook - - Blackout Studio - ❗️Please check out what greg is up to here: - YouTube -
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