BLUES MIX [Lyric Album] - Top Slow Blues Music Playlist - Best Whiskey Blues Songs of All Time
[00:00:00] - 01. John O’Leary - Drinking Again
[00:09:38] - 02. Blues Cousins - Open the door
[00:16:07] - 03. Mighty Mo Rodgers - Black Paris Blues
[00:21:59] - 04. Pete Gage - Blues Has Got Me
[00:27:26] - 05. Brandon Lane - Trouble
[00:35:27] - 06. Albert Cummings - Lonely Bed
[00:42:33] - 07. Money Is The Name of The Game
[00:48:32] - 08. Chris Bell - Elevator To Heaven
[00:57:28] - 09. The Nimmo Brothers - I Do It All For You
[01:06:33] - 10.
...Murali Coryell - Softly Let Me Kiss Your Lips
[01:15:37] - 11. Refill - The Only One
[01:21:37] - 12. Blues Underground It’s Been So Long
[01:26:38] - 13. Hendrikse - Your Arms Will Keep Me Warm
[01:33:38] - 14. BlShow more