Look Mysterious | Be Mysterious | Eye Contact Practice - Mysterious

How to look mysterious, and send out mysterious vibes. People share their mysterious look Without a word, each face lets us escape their stories, their joys, their sorrows, their hope and despair... Delivering a part of themselves, which words could not fully explain. For this, we need to listen to them with our eyes and understand them with our heart. Empathy is the only interpreter between us and these faces. A pure moment of intimacy, from soul to soul, hearts to hearts, eye to eye, for a short silent moment... But with thousands and one language. ---- Yoann Zbk from France Hi guys I’m yuliku, a Toronto based artist. I created this video in Toronto. I create films by documenting human emotion, expressed and narrated through eyes (◕∀◕✿) (Eye Language Series) Instagram: Email: yulikuisle@ #EyeLanguage #MysteriousLook #BeMysterious
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