Pups - Pets - And Their ’points’ (1935)

Titles read: “PUPS - PETS - and their ’Points’“. Location of events unknown. Various shots of some little puppies at a kennel. A woman brings bowls of food for a crowd of older pups. We then see several shots of dogs and puppies: Afghan Hounds, a Bulldog, a Chow, Samoyede (followed by diagrams showing us what points to look out for when choosing a thoroughbred), Cairn Terrier pups and adults (more diagrams with points to look out for), Pekingese (diagrams), Dachshunds (diagrams). A little cartoon shows us how Dachshunds became that shape - a little dog is chased by a big one and hides in a steel pipe belonging to a workman. The larger dog jumps in after him and they both get stuck, and walk off with the head of one dog sticking out of the front and the back of the other dog at the rear. This picture fades into picture of a Dachshund. (I’m not convinced...) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INT
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