[Oil dust remove] Process of degrease with an Ultrasonic Cleaner|30L 900W 40KHZ

Ultrasonic waves, heat and an ultrasonic cleaning solution are the three components at the heart of an ultrasonic cleaning system. Ultrasonic waves sonically cavitate and heat the ultrasonic cleaning solution, causing these three components work together creating an environment where dirt, grime and oxidation melt away from a dirty surface. When the three components, ultrasonic waves, heat and ultrasonic cleaning solutions come together, ultrasonic cleaning produces jaw-dropping results. Ultrasonic cleaning is simply a superior form of cleaning that replaces hours of intensive labor and inferior cleaning results, and removes the need for flammable solvents. Use solvents or other cleaning liquids with caution. Liquids and chemicals not specifically designed for use with ultrasonic cleaners may cause a health hazard if subjected to heat and ultrasonic agitation, as well as potentially damaging the tank. In extreme cases, some flammable cleaning solvents can become unstable spontaneously combust. I
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