How to blend | learn to paint | Refined Blending | Acrylic, painting for beginners | #clive5art

Refined Blending and skill test In this Acrylic painting for beginners, lesson#CLIVE5ART ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITANIUM WHITE, MARS BLACK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brushes Used Short Flats 1/4“ Detail Brushes No 2 4 Blending brush, Wet Pallet Clive5art Medium Mix Formula see web site Clive5art Liquid Clear Water distilled Roll of Kitchen Paper Towel Cup of Welsh Brew Tea ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canvas Conversions Cm to Inches 19cm x 12½cm = 7.5“ x 5“ 20cm x 15cm = 8“ x 6“ 23cm x 15cm = 9“ x 6“ 25cm x = 10“ x 7“ 25cm x 20cm = 10“ x 8“ 30cm x 20cm
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