50 Texas Blues Licks - Introduction - Corey Congilio

FULL COURSE, TAB JAMS: MORE BLUES GUITAR LESSONS: Welcome to 50 Texas Blues Licks You Must Know. Think of this 50 licks course as a tribute to your favorite Texas born guitar players. I’ll cover licks from T-Bone Walker to Stevie Ray Vaughan to Eric Johnson. Blues guitar playing has certainly evolved since the 1950’s and I hope to give you a taste of some of the best licks to come from the Lone Star State. These players have molded my style and I’m really excited to share what I’ve learned with you. We’ll not only cover licks but, we’ll tackle turnarounds and 12 bar rhythms examples as well. Notation/Tabluture and rhythm tracks will also be included for every lick. So, plug in and put your boots on and most importantly, have fun.
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