Why the UK is failing its NHS healthcare workers

Several unions of National Health Service workers in the UK have rejected a 5 percent raise offer from the government and are continuing to picket and strike. Long a target of Tory austerity measures, NHS workers have been squeezed between budget cuts on one hand and spiking inflation on the other. The results have been catastrophic, not only for workers themselves, but for as well, given the quality of healthcare the system is able to deliver deteriorates as pressure on workers increases. “I’m not enabled by this system anymore, by the NHS, to take proper care of my patients,“ Bert Roman, a cancer nurse, told The Real News. With 47,000 nurses pushed from the profession by economic factors, most hospitals are trying to solve problems of understaffing by driving the remaining workers even harder. TRNN reports from picket lines in London. The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network. Help us expand our in-depth analysis and coverage from Baltimore to Bangladesh b
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