Evangelion AMV

For the space of over one earth year now I have deliberately and assiduously avoided familiarising myself with the thoughts and writings of others though in times past a fiery passion had led me to dive deeply into the waters described by other mystics, perhaps not entirely unlike that quest embarked upon by Valentine Michael Smith in Heinlein’s seminal _Stranger in a Strange Land_. A consciousness adventure wherein he familiarised himself with virtually all of this world’s religious and folkloric mythologies in an apparent attempt to more fully underpstand (understand psi = underpstand) the headspace - or Jungian collective, if you will - of this strange terran species and the various disparate belief systems it holds both sacred and true. So there are perceptual matrices which work for others (in other cultures and/or other times) yet by their very individualised natures, are all ’contaminated’ or tainted based upon the predjudicial natures of the preexisting culturally inculcated perceptual filters in place at the time of the revelatory epiphanies. It was for these and other related reasons that we so thoroughly avoided the thoughts and writings of other fellow mystics and even attempted to explore what in our voluminous polycultural research remained yet a vast ocean of uncharted headspace - that which we subsequently termed ’Psychic Overdrive;’ a remarkably transmundane level of consciousness hastily and deprecatingly dismissed by clearly Gurdjieffianly slumbering self-proclaimed experts as mere ’delusions brought on by extended sleep deprivation exacerbated by the inexorable onslaught of amphetamine psychosis.’ In any event, add to this culturally inculcated perceptual taint the further contaminant of our utter inability to divest ourselves fully of that systemic egoic bias which makes our particular epiphany pseem so much cooler and oh so much more iconoclastically accurate than that of our Brethren or Sistren, that to receive something of true worth, purity and bonafide substance seems almost a virtual impossibility amongst all of us at this level.
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