Check out the brand new gameplay trailer of Project M running in Unreal Engine 5 at G-Star 2023. We’ve put together all the footage shown to date and some behind the scenes for you to enjoy in one video.
Project M is being developed by NCSoft and the gameplay style is similar to Quantic Dream’s games, where you feel like you’re watching/playing an interactive movie with insane realistic graphics.
Project M is an interactive narrative game that is shaped by player choices. Developed in Unreal Engine 5, features several technologies such as Nanite, Lumen, and MetaHuman Creator. NCSoft revealed
... that Project M features top-level AI technology, and the game is for console platforms. The specific release date has not yet been determined.
00:00 New Gameplay Trailer G-STAR 2023
01:05 GDC Trailer 2023
03:44 Announcement Trailer
06:16 Dev Talks 2023
#ue5 #unrealengine #unrealengine5
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