15 MEXICO TIPS that took us WAY TOO LONG to learn

Researching your trip or move to Mexico? I bet they didn’t tell you any of these uncommon (but really important) tips on Mexico. ► How we learn Spanish: Despite doing tons of research before moving to Mexico, we’re constantly surprised by the things we don’t know. Even after the initial Mexico culture shock has worn off, we find ourselves learning really important aspects of life/culture as time goes on. Here are some Mexico tips we’ll be sharing today: - Hand gestures and body language that’s different in Mexico - Driving in Mexico (habits and rules of the road that can be difficult to learn) - Bargaining and negotiating in Mexico - The dos and don’ts of restaurants in Mexico - Learning and speaking Spanish - Mexico sizing (clothes and products) - When people get paid in Mexico and why that’s important It’s hard to adapt to a new culture and learn everything you need to right away. We hope this video
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