Hokuto Matsumura (松村北斗) - Berlin BER Airport Arrival (240220)

Hokuto Matsumura arrived in Berlin BER Airport at 21:05 (via Amsterdam), I am not sure if this was his original route but all Lufthansa flights were cancelled for the day, so maybe he had to take another airline last minute~ (Amsterdam is not really a usual route for famous people to come to Berlin) Thanks to my friend for filming while I was trying to give him my gift, even though he did not accept the gift as you can see, I will have to try again~ (japanese fans told me it is because of GPS trackers? I think european fans dont even know about these things and are not that crazy, we dont even have very famous singers in Europe to do such things haha..) PS: Sorry for using a korean Song, if anyone feels offended, I mostly only have korean Songs that fit these kind of videos and also japanese music rights are very strict, also I didnt have an instrumental on my laptop right now : d
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