Attorney General Opens His Case Against Adolf Eichmann AKA Case Against Eichmann Opened (1961)

Unissued / unused material - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Jerusalem, Israel Various shots as Nazi war criminal and former SS officer Adolf Eichmann and his guard enter bullet-proof box in courtroom. Eichmann sits down and arranges his papers, hands a note to his guard to pass to counsel. MS Side view, Eichmann nods at his counsel. CU Eichmann. MS Side view, Dr. Robert Servatius’s assistant smiles and nods back. Eichmann settles himself and sits quite composed as court assembles. MS. Side view, Dr. Robert Servatius writing. High shots as the court stands, and the judges enter and take their seats. MS Eichmann puts on headphones. MS Mr. Justice Moshe Landau speaking with simultaneous translation. “I open this sixth session of the trial. It is true that the memory of the catastrophe and the Holocaust stirs every Jew, but when this case has been brought before us it is our duty to restrain those feelings when we sit in judgement in this case. And this duty we shall keep. After weighing
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