медитация, частота пирамид Pyramid Frequency 🔺 Christ Consciousness - Meditation Music - 33 Hz Binaural Beats
Christ Consciousness - Meditation Music - 33 Hz Binaural Beats - Pyramid Frequency. Relaxing music for stress relief calm music for meditation.
The 33 Hz healing frequency music corresponds to the internal frequency of the Egyptian pyramid as well as the 5th octave of the Schumann frequency.
The gamma brain waves are between 25 and 100 Hz and are the fastest frequency associated with a feeling of blessing that can be experienced through meditation or deep prayer.
Almost all parts of the brain are synchronized by gamma waves and lead to very strong focus and transcentental experiences, which is why it is also referred to as Christ Consciousness. Love and compassion are also very strongly influenced by this healing frequency.
The Gamma Wave Christ Consciousness Frequency enables beyond the 3 D spirit to experience an oversized spirit level of all-embracing love and compassion.
This meditation music is also ideal for your yoga practice and for relaxation.
The 33 Hz meditation
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2 weeks ago 00:23:16 6
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