President Bush holds talks with Japanese PM

(23 May 2003) POOL Waco, Texas - 22 May 2003 1. Various shots of Air Force One arriving with President Bush 2. Wide shot of President Bush getting off Air Force One 3. Wide shot of President Bush walking with dog in his arms 4. Wide shot of helicopter taking off with President Bush 5. Wide shot of Japanese airline arriving with Prime Minister Koizumi 6. Medium shot of US and Japanese flags flying on top of plane 7. Wide shot of Koizumi getting off plane 8. Wide shot of Koizumi greeting people on tarmac 9. Koizumi boarding helicopter Crawford, Texas - 22 May 2003 10. Wide shot of Bush waiting for Koizumi in truck 11. Wide shot of helicopter arriving with Koizumi 12. President Bush pulling up in white truck to greet Prime Minister Koizumi 13. Wide shot of President Bush and Mrs. Bush greeting Prime Minister Koizumi 14. Wide shot of President Bush and Prime Minister Koizumi 15. Wide shot of Prime Minister Koizumi getting into President Bush’s truck 16. Wide shot of Prime Minister Koizumi and President Bush pulling away in truck STORYLINE: President Bush arrived in Texas on Thursday to play host to Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at his Crawford Ranch. President Bush hopes his meeting with Koizumi will help tighten the regional noose around North Korea. The goal is to follow the model of Bush’s White House session with South Korean leader Roh Moo-hyun earlier this month, which brought slightly tougher talk from Roh against North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. Koizumi will spend the night at the Bush’s one-storey ranch home on a 1,600-acre (640-hectare) slice of central Texas. They were scheduled to have a light dinner on Thursday night. On Friday morning, the pair were to conduct a business session, tour the ranch, appear jointly before reporters and have lunch. Koizumi was scheduled to depart in the afternoon. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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