Hey guys!!! back once again with my first legit mixtape of IchigoShadow i used public domain cartoons for samples aswell as a bunch of new sounds to create something that i believe is pretty unique also i made the cover art!! very very proud of this production!! i needed to drop so many beat tapes so i could catch up recording on my rap music ive been in the process of doing some very intense rebranding thanks to the rapper shortcut, rob level has helped me immensely and you guys will see soon the effects of all the work ive been doing! i have a rap mixtape from 2018 dropping soon aswell as a BUNCH of new stuff, this will be the last IchigoShadow beat tape for a lil bit i want to get back into rap for a while and will casually make beats on the side again i dont want to ever rush things, anyways see you guys in two weeks!!:) please join the discord id love to see you in there and get to know you!!