INFERNO: Halls pop (apartments rush with just 2 utility players) | CS afap
How to rush A apartments on Inferno with just 2 utility players.
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► *Jumpthrow - Bind*
alias “ jumpthrow“ “ jump;-attack“
alias “-jumpthrow“ “-jump“
bind “space“ “ jumpthrow“
► *Timestamps* 🕰
0:00 - Intro
0:07 - [Player 1] Boiler molotov
0:11 - [Player 1] Haystack smoke (128 tick)
0:18 - [Player 1] Carpet halls pop flash
0:25 - [Player 2] Moto smoke from second mid (128 tick)
0:35 - [Player 2] Deep chimney flash (128 tick)
0:51 - [Player 3] Balcony entry flash
1:06 - Haystack smoke (64 tick)
1:14 - Moto smoke from second mid (64 tick)
1:22 - Deep chimney flash (64 tick)
► *Music* ♫
Fallen Kingdom - SilentCrafter
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