Greetings on the occasion of Dussehra, from the faculty and staff of Shri Ram Medical College

The Shri Ram Medical College sends best wishes for a joyous Dusshera. Vijayadashami is celebrated with great fervour in India every year, immediately following Navratri and twenty days before Diwali. Dussehra celebrates the triumph of good over evil, as represented by Lord Ram’s triumph over Lanka’s King Ravana and Goddess Durga’s triumph over the Demon Mahishasur. Believers all over India celebrate this holiday to commemorate the triumph of good over evil. Sri Ram avenged Sita Mata’s abduction on this day by killing Ravana and his brothers. To commemorate this triumph over Ravana, effigies of him are burned in bonfires all over India, and sweets are shared among the populace. In our country, we celebrate the triumph of good over evil on a special day called Dussehra. This day marks the completion of the nine-day festival of Navratri and the beginning of the Indian festival season. On this day, people burn Ravana effigies as a symbolic gesture of purification. While Sri Ram was in exil
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