X-Bar Theory - Animated Verses (ft. AM94) - DISXBT001

Available store wide to DL / stream via: • Bandcamp - • Website - • All other stores - MC Fokus and Medic MC continue their exciting new project, X Bar Theory. The next chapter in this ever-developing series is their debut EP. This new collaborative alias fully represents their love for the art form of MCing. Their distinct and uniquely different styles contrast and perfectly complement each other. Forming a complete group with a hand-picked unit of DJs and producers, they aim to preserve and respect the culture with a passion for putting lyricism at the forefront of the music. Each tra...ck illustrates their journey through music, particularly as lyricists. ’Style & Substance’ is aimed directly at the dancefloor - the Trex produced original and club mix, showcase their varied styles, flows and rhyming patterns. ’Double Life’ details the challeges of managing working life whilst building music careers - late nights, no sleep and lots of driving. Splitting the tune into two distinct parts, Subtle Element reflects the change in pre and post-rave story as the beat patterns switch. ’Animated Verses’ brings the lyrics to life, lighting up pages with words and fully representing their love of the half-time beats supplied by AM94 (previously known as Test Switch). ’No Empty Words’ takes their half-time journey deeper whilst detailing their creative process, one for the real fans of lyricism. Working in harmony with Fearetical and championing fresh production talent. Dispatch Recordings socials: Bandcamp → [Follow us on Bandcamp] → Facebook → Instagram → Soundcloud → Spotify → TikTok → @dispatch_recordings Twitter → Website → YouTube → Artist(s) available Soundcloud page(s): MC Fokus (X-Bar Theory) → Medic MC (X-Bar Theory) → Trex → Subtle Element → AM94 → Fearetical →
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