Olafur Arnalds, Live At Le Poisson Rouge

Icelandic composer and piano player Olafur Arnalds managed to squeeze a 28 piece orchestra onto the stage of Le Poisson nightclub in Greenwich Village “Sudden Throw“ 03:15 “Brim“ 06:36 “Brotsjór“ 11:18 “For Now I Am Winter“ 15:38 “A Stutter“ 21:00 “Tomorrow’s Song“ 25:55 “Reclaim“ 29:30 “Hands Be Still“ 33:32 “Only The Winds“ 37:16 “Gleypa Okkur“ 43:30 “Old Skin“ 50:15 “We (Too) Shall Rest“ 55:37 “This Place Was A Shelter“ 57:29 “Carry Me Anew“ 1:01:03 “Near Light“ 1:08:35 “Lag Fyrir Ömmu“ (e
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