Diablo - “Tristram Village“ Acoustic/Metal Guitar Cover by FamilyJules
Stay awhile and listen.
This cover is available as part of Video Game Guitar Covers Vol. 4!
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Since I played this game, that first chord haunted me in the coolest way. Hearing that steel string with the stereo delay from the original just cuts right through you and it was something I always wanted to play. This is one of the few covers that I have attempted before and failed because of it’s free feel over the course of all 8 minutes. It tells a story, and until now I feel I was unable to properly convey that in my playing. I don’t think there are any covers that do the entire song so I’m really proud to say if that’s true that I have the only full cover of Tristram Village on YouTube as of releasing this. Because this song has so much meaning to me, I want
1 month ago 00:25:57 1
¡Aquí Bailó la Mujer del Diablo y lo que Pasó Fue Escalofriante! 💀😱