VPTS is Pennant’s state of the art Virtual Reality Parachute Training simulator. This state of the art trainer can train up to 16 connected jumpers in real time virtual environments with the following features;
- Up to 16 Real time Jumpers.
- 2 Instructor controlled jumpers.
- Pre-set and runtime malfunctions.
- Multiple aircraft; Chinook, C130, C17 etc...
- User configurable generic harness and canopy.
- Static line and Free fall canopies.
- User configurable Canopies.
- User configurable drop zones; smok
2 months ago 00:05:06 1
ПОМНИМ, СКОРБИМ видео от Юнармии Красногвардейского района
2 months ago 00:11:57 1
Killzone — ВСЁ. Воскрешение DriveClub. Sony проиграла читерам. Новости PlayStation за неделю.