Clear all negativity.
Send unconditional love to everyone you will meet and interact with during the day.
Interactions, projects, work and activities the next day.
Clears the mind of all worries, negative anticipations and general negativity.
Increases joy, gratitude, for the coming day, fills you with positivity.
Gratitude for this day.
Sends gratitude and unconditional love to all people, including yourself, animals, inanimate (including cars, computers, cell phones), nature, universe, who have enabled your day or encountered your day.
Release all worries and incidents
Review process for the day.
Hoponopono for the day.
Completely relax body and mind.
Connection to source
Program mind and heart for solutions and guidance while sleeping.
Evoking source, higher self, future self for guidance.
Healing for all relationship issues and problems in the day.
Feelings of happiness, adequacy, having enough, being enough, serenity, hope,
Energetic cleansing includi