Amazing World of Wild Birds | Сommon Sandpiper - Fearless Little Diver | 4K Interesting Animal Facts
The natural diversity of our planet includes more than 10,000 species of birds, and each of them is unique in its own way. Today we’ll share with you some info about Сommon Sandpiper (lat. Actitis hypoleucos).
This amazing bird can be found in temperate and subtropical parts of Europe and Asia. In winter it migrates to Africa, southern Asia and Australia. Common sandpiper inhabits areas near the rivers, ponds, lakes and swamps. It often flies close to the ground or water surface. The small bird can spend the whole day searching for food, preening and bathing. Its diet consists mainly of insects, but it also can eat worms, crustaceans, spiders, frogs, tadpoles and seeds. Hiding from the birds of prey, they usually plunge into the water. The birds are able to dive at a depth of 1 meter holding its breath for up to 20 seconds.
Interesting facts:
- Common Sandpiper prefers to live alone. Meeting a fellow bird they may show aggression. Birds begin to peck each other, fight with their paws and