Old TV Commercials - Two Shake A Pudd’n Ads

I never had a chance to try Royal’s Shake-A-Pudd’n. It seemed to have disappeared from store shelved, at least in my neck of Los Angeles, by the mid-70’s. My initial thought was that it must have been gross, but now I wonder whether it was any worse than ordinary instant pudding (which wasn’t exactly good; I remember the cooked stuff being far better.) The second commercial is a film tie-in; it barely mentions the product at all. According to that unimpeachable source, Wikipedia, The 1967 Doctor Dolittle film had over 300 product tie-ins before the film was released. The products bombed as badly as the film, resulting in huge piles of unsold products. Hollywood studios decided that tie-in merchandise was a lousy idea, helping bring about the conditions for George Lucas to obtain 100% of the merchandising rights for Star Wars. The rest, as they say, is history
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