Hidden Gems of Korea | Chodang Dubu, Masterpiece of the East Sea

With its sparkling sea, Gangneung is one of Korea’s representative coastal cities. Did you know about Chodang Village, where soft dubu is made with the deep taste of the East Sea in Gangneung? Check out the video to discover the hidden gems of Korea! Plus, don’t miss the cookie! Enjoy the savory and sweet dessert of Gangneung. What other hidden gems do you want to see in the next video?  Leave a comment and Imagine Your Korea will continue its journey with you. 📌Event Quiz: Who is the first person who made Chodang Dubu with seawater in Gangneung? The answer is in the video! Leave your answer in the comments and we’ll send you Chodang cookies and Gangneung souvenirs. ▶ Period: 2021-10-25 ~ 2021-11-08 ▶ Prize: Chodang cookies and Gangneung souvenirs ▶ Winner announcement: November 11th (Thurs.) --- 반짝이는 바다가 펼쳐진 한국의 대표적 해안도시 강원도 강릉시 강릉 초당마을에는 동해바다의 깊은 맛을 더해 만든 특별한 순두부가 있습니다! 초당마을에서 두부가 만들어지는 정성스런 과정부터 고소하고 달콤한 순두부 아이스크림까지 만나보세요! 보고싶은 한국의 숨은 특산품이 있다면 댓글로 남겨주세요. Imagine Your Korea가 찾아갑니다.  📌이벤트 공지 퀴즈: 강릉에
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