Baruch Korman - Love Israel Conference 2023 - Session 1
Renowned ’Day Star’ TV host & Messianic Rabbi, Baruch Korman, spoke at Salem Biblical Gardens, Paarl; during the Love Israel Conference 2023.
Dr. Baruch Korman spends a great deal of the year traveling around the world, as he is continuously being requested for teaching engagements worldwide. These conferences are in-depth Bible studies, where the audience is able to raise questions and clarify doubts about the Bible.
The David and Jonathan Foundation partners believers and churches with our network of partner Messianic Jewish Congregations in Israel. We also teach locally on God’s plan with Israel and ’the Church’. Through church services, conferences, feasts, Israel Tours, resources and media, David and Jonathan Foundation creates a platform for Believers to encounter God’s heart for the Jewish people and raise up a new generations for to take part in God’s story.
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