Universal Music Group Opens its Iron Mountain Tape Vault And You are Invited!

TrackingAngle’s exclusive visit to Universal Music Group’s Iron Mountain tape vault outside of Pittsburgh also includes a tour of Iron Mountain Entertainment Services’ facilities. You’ll get to go deep within the former limestone mine where Universal Music Group has one of its worldwide tape storage facilities and see how, with the help of Iron Mountain Entertainment Services, the company catalogues and keeps track of its vast audio and video tape holdings. The visit also includes a ride through other parts of the labyrinthian, underground facility where governmental agencies we can’t identif...y also store data, safe from natural environmental damage as well as from acts of war. You’ll see the process by which a licensee gets selected assets for a music album reissue, whether it’s the tape for an all-analog reissue or a digital file for a digitally sourced reissue. You’ll see the action from finding the tapes in the vast facility to cataloguing it and preparing it
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